Recording the Scariest Snake Encounters

Snakes crawling in vents, under ceilings and in barbecue, snake fights with pets, wild animals and even their congeners, snakes chasing humans and the venomous viper bite.

In this episode I’ll show you these and many other snake moments caught on camera.

Let’s go look at this picture: a man in a well with a bunch of snakes that clearly want to hurt him.


So it may seem to many people who will see this footage, but it’s possible that in fact, the man himself got into the wild to pull out the snakes that got there.

This video is a confirmation of my words- really happens.

However, the well here is much deeper, so the snakes won’t get out by themselves.

Fortunately, two men helped the Giants to get out.

This is far from the creepiest moment, but the video is still a little tense.

Who knows how the snakes would have behaved?

Snakes can be anywhere, even in places you wouldn’t expect to see them.

In this case, for example, the creeping creature somehow got under the ceiling.

They had to get it out with several crowbars.


In the end, the snake was successfully extracted and the reptile was not harmed.

Obviously, people were aware that the snake was under the ceiling, but, I repeat, snakes can be anywhere.

He may not even be aware that there’s a dangerous reptile in their apartment.

Look at this girl.

She’s resting quietly on the couch.

Nothing foretells trouble, but in fact trouble is already slowly creeping up, or rather dangling.

A snake gets out of the vent and falls directly on the girl, immediately hiding under the couch.

The girl didn’t even realize what had happened and was clearly horrified to see what the camera recorded: the wilderness.

The main characters in the story are the Python, the baby Antelope and the Hyena.

The Hyena was wandering in the Savannah when it suddenly heard a scream.

When it ran to the spot it saw that the Python had already caught up with the antelope and began to wrap around it.


The Hyena tried to intervene in the fight and bit the antelope on the head.

Soon the antelope stopped moving and the Predator dragged it in its teeth along with the python, which was still hanging on its prey.

There’s a similar case here.

Once again we have a snake prey and a predator.

Only the latter two this time are a squirrel and a domestic cat.

Cat saw the battle and decided to approach.

Snake was already wrapped tightly around the squirrel and both participants in the battle were not moving.

The Cat decided this was a chance and dragged them both away in its teeth.

The owner immediately yells to the cat to let the snake go, and the cat soon does.

It’s lucky that the snake didn’t attack it as well.

This could have happened in this case.


The cat could have suffered the fate of this dog.

In this footage we see the dog fighting a huge anaconda.

The guys immediately rushed to save the dog because it belonged to one of them.

The part where the Anaconda dragged the dog into the water was left out of the shot.

The guys barely had time to catch up with the snake and Pull It To The Shore so the dog wouldn’t drown.

It was a long fight.

Even the three guys couldn’t release the grip of the very strong Anaconda for a very long time.

But in the end they succeeded.

The dog was saved and the Anaconda crawled into the water.

From snakes anywhere, they can even get into places you wouldn’t think of it.

They can end up on wires, for example.


This reptile elegantly Glides down the wire to catch a bird sitting on it.

Bird sees the threat but for some reason doesn’t fly away.

It seems that the snake’s about to overtake its prey, but soon the bird finally flies away.

Now the snake’s task is to get down from the hide and not fall down.

The snake succeeded, but just imagine what would happen if the snake couldn’t hold on and plummeted down, falling on some passerby.

Can you imagine what it might look like?

If not, here’s a good example.

It doesn’t take place in the city, but still.


A man sits down to record a video.

A couple of seconds pass and a snake falls on him as if out of nowhere.

Of course, after that the only thing to do is run in any direction.

Here we see a guy riding a bicycle somewhere in Thailand.

So far nothing’s happening.

The guy doesn’t feel that the threat’s very close by, but suddenly he stops, turns his head and sees a cobra crawling right toward him.

Of course he immediately jumps off his bicycle and moves away.

Apparently this is now the Cobra’s bicycle.

We see a snake on an African Road.

In general it’s a fairly common phenomenon.


Here it tries to bite a car that’s passing by, but of course it doesn’t reach it.

After a couple of seconds the snake crawls away toward the cameraman and disappears.

Where is it?

The answer was given by another driver who drove by.

He said that the snake had crawled under the hood and indeed when people opened the hood.

They saw the snake there.

They were lucky that it was a python and not some venomous reptile.

And this snake seems to feel bad.

Its mouth is open but it doesn’t move at all.

The man turns it over and the snake still doesn’t move, but soon it finally shows signs of Life, all because the snake was playing dead.

It looks very natural.



This is how snakes act in the wild: to fool enemies or prey.

So don’t even approach those snakes that look dead.

They can pounce on you in a matter of seconds.

In this surveillance footage we see a man watering plants and a cat sitting by the car.

Suddenly the fur ball gets nervous and goes somewhere.

Soon becomes clear where a dangerous snake has entered the territory through the fence.

The man takes the cat and goes inside with it, closing the doors.

In just a few seconds the big snake is at the door.

The man’s reaction and vigilance saved the cat.


The snake probably would have finished it off.

Australia is a wonderful country with many opportunities, but the local fauna spoils everything.

The snakes here are a living hell because they can end up anywhere.

This time of snake decided to hide in a barbecue.

A large python lurked under the lid and frightened the family, who immediately called The Snake Handler.

The guy calmly told the story on camera and coldly eliminated the threat.

A confrontation between a gecko and a snake is unfolding and no, this is not Australia, we’re back in Thailand.

Each of the opponents show what it can do.

The gecko is perfectly held on the vertical wall and the snake wrapped around the beam and tries to reach the lizard.

As this video showed, the snake’s tactics were better.

It climbed to the top of the beam and bit the gecko.


The lizard fell right into a bucket of water.

Imagine you come to a grocery store, walk along the shelves and suddenly you come across such an unusual product into the store and climbed onto the Shelf.

But it looked creepy.

The cameraman was lucky.

The snake wasn’t venomous, so it didn’t hurt him or other customers.

So far in this episode, snakes only mess with other animals and people.

But what about a fight between two snakes?

And not just any snake, but the Black Mamba, one of the most dangerous snakes on the planet.

See for yourself.

This is a rare thing to see.


The snakes wrapped around each other and tried to bite each other, but because of their body structure and flexibility, it wasn’t easy to do so.

From the outside it looked more like a dance than a snake fight.

In fact, as scientists say, in such a battle the snakes do not aim to kill each other.

It’s a fight between two males, and they figure out which one’s stronger.

Each tries to pin the other to the ground, so it’s a kind of fight.

The snake which loses has to crawl away from the territory, and the one which wins can claim all the females in the territory.

In this footage we see a group of people on vacation, but their rest is interrupted by a water snake.


The boldest one grabs the snake by the tail.

He’s not afraid of it at all, but he knows that his friends are afraid of snakes, so he decides to play a joke on them and throws the reptile right to the air mattress his friends were on.

They clearly didn’t appreciate such a joke and, in a panic, jumped into the water.

The snake, meanwhile, had already tried to attack the boat, but it was quickly chased away.

In general, the reptile had time to get acquainted with everyone.

A girl named Paris decided to practice her acrobatic tricks and catch them on camera.

She goes to the mat, takes off her shoes and immediately steps on a snake that bites her.

The case is serious because the snake turned out to be the Eastern Copperhead, a venomous snake of the Viper family.

Obviously the girl’s in a lot of pain.

There’ll obviously be no training today.

The main thing now is to somehow cope with the pain and get to the hospital.

But the story has a good ending.


Paris was injected with an antidote and five days later she made a full recovery.

And finally, let’s take a look at this video.

Never seen anything like this before: tangle of snakes.

It’s like six of them have merged into one and are crawling all over the place, scaring the locals.

Well, it’s all happened.

No, not in Australia, but in Thailand, which has already been seen in a lot of today’s episode.

Maybe the Fauna of Australia is not so bad.

That’s all, guys.


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