Tiger, Tiger Stunningly Brilliant (But Not)

They once numbered over 1,00,000 almost a century ago. These animals have inspired the imagination of many, turned hunters into protectors and have become the poster child of wildlife conservation in today’s world. They are also the largest members of …

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Wild animal superstitions debunked by MythBusters

We were all told tales as children – many of which are considered superstition and relatively harmless. Growing up in India, we’ve often heard things like “don’t stray across the path of a black cat,” or “an itch on the palm means wealth is headed your …

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Saving 7 Sheep in New Jersey From Being Slaughtered.

Mike Stura is no stranger to the powerful highs and lows of animal rescue. This week, the longtime farm animal rescuer and Founder of  Skylands Animal Sanctuary and Rescue  saved seven sheep, who most-likely escaped slaughter in New Jersey. Stura also …

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Human assaults by carnivores are increasing, and climate change isn’t helping.

Attacks on humans by carnivorous animals have increased steadily since 1950, as growing human populations in new areas make such incidents more common, according to a study published last week . According to other experts, climate change may also be contributing …

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The Dejected Pregnant Dog Beneath The Vehicle Was Convinced By The Beautiful Woman

According to Animal Rescue, iPittytheBull Foundation received a message regarding canine who had been rescued beneath a vehicle who they believed to be pregnant. She was pretty terrified but Bri was able to win her trust enough for her to come out and …

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The largest crab in the world, known as the “Japanese Spider Crab,” with legs that may reach 30 feet

The Japanese spider crab  can look quite ominous with its massive body of 16 in (40 cm) and huge Japanese spider crab legs 12.1 ft (3.7 m). But this appearance can be deceiving. This  orange  arthropod with white spots is on the contrary a docile creature …

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Baby Deer and Baby Rabbit Develop an Unbreakable Connection and Find Comfort in Each Other’s Naps

Lonely baby deer in need of a friend learns how to love thanks to tiny bunny This is beautiful. Every year, Fuzzy Fawn Wildlife, a volunteer licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator in New York state, rescues dozens of аЬапdoпed white-tailed fawns and cares for …

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Amazing Nature Moment: Eagle and Fox Engage in Epic Avian War over a Rabbit

This was the incrediƄle мoмent when a naughty Ƅald eagle stole a red fox’s food froм it draмatically. The unhappy red fox was eating when it happened. The action was captured on caмera in Washington’s San Juan Islands, and it depicts a conflict Ƅetween …

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As he hops into the vehicle with a new “a,” the dog that spent 372 days in the shelter is unable to conceal his enthusiasm.

Mαjoɾ’s stoɾy ιs α ρeɾfect exαmρle of tɦαt. Source:  Naperville Area Humane Society Ƭhe two-and-a-half-year-old woofιng ɓoy Mαjor settleԁ αt Nαperville Aɾea Humαne Society resident ιn 2022 αnd wαited foɾ α пew fαmily. At fιrst, ɦis cαretαkers exρected …

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Save the dog whose owner buried it in a deep hole as it cried out for assistance.

In the Khayelitsha suburb of Cape Town, South Africa, Manono Makhaphela, the principal of Luhlaza Secondary School, determined that a helpless tiny dog with paralyzed legs should be buried alive since, in his opinion, she was a major “nuisance.” Makhaphela …

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