Gorgeous bird known as Southeast Asia’s White Phoenix, the Silver Pheasant

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Like Share WhatsApp Telegram Copy Link LinkedIn Tumblr Email The Silver Pheasant, also known as Lophura nycthemera, is a ѕtᴜппіпɡ bird ѕрeсіeѕ native to Southeast Asia. This ground-dwelling bird belongs to the Phasianidae family, …

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Never heard of it before, but what a lovely bird.

Eurypyga helias, commonly referred to as the Sunbittern, is a remarkable bird species that is found in the tropical regions of Latin America. With their striking and varied plumage, Sunbitterns are one of the most popular and sought-after bird species …

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Witness the Epic Chase of Nature: Cheetahs Bring Down a Wildebeest.

In the African savannah, nature’s most thrilling spectacles unfold every day. One such awe-inspiring event is the chase of a wildebeest by a pack of cheetahs. These sleek and agile…

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Disturbing Findings: New Report Reveals 70% Drop in Wildlife Numbers Since 1970

According to a report, wildlife has decreased by nearly 70% since 1970. This alarming statistic raises significant concerns about the state of our planet’s natural ecosystems and the urgent need…

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Kids who are curious: Why do sloths move slowly?

Why do sloths go slow? Nina, Sydney, aged 5 You’re right, sloths do move very slowly! Sloths live in tropical forests in South and Central America, and they actually move so slowly that algae grows on their fur . This can give sloths a green colour that …

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African wild canines use the abilities they rely on to compete with other animals to adapt to human civilization.

Large carnivores in Africa are important from ecological, economic and cultural perspectives, but human activities put them at risk. Increasingly, lions, hyenas and African wild dogs are restricted to protected areas like national parks. Within these …

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‘Landmark vote’ supports endangered sharks

Image source, Getty Images By Helen Briggs Environment correspondent More than 50 species of sharks are to be given protection from over-exploitation in what’s being seen as a milestone for shark conservation. Nearly 200 countries have voted to add a …

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Why are red deer being slaughtered in such great numbers?

Image source, Getty Images By Steven McKenzie BBC Scotland Highlands and Islands reporter Residents of the community-owned South Uist Estate in the Western Isles were asked to vote on whether all the estate’s 1,200 red deer should be killed . The move …

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How Dehorning affects populations of Black Rhinos

One technique used to reduce the poaching of black rhinos is removing their horns. A recent study looked at the potential effects of this practice on rhino population dynamics. Summary By: | Original Study By: Chimes, L.C., Beytell, P., et al. (2022) …

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Studies show that flamingos with similar psychological characteristics ‘Form Cliques’ with Like-Minded Friends.

– NPS Birds of a feather really do flock together according to a new study that found flamingos with similar personality traits “form cliques” with like-minded friends. In Chilean and Caribbean flamingos, birds with similar personality traits tended to …

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